Do you have varicose veins? This vascular disorder affects up to 16% of adults over the age of 60. If you would like to avoid vein problems or minimize the side effects of a vascular condition, these five tips from the Minimally Invasive Vascular Center in Laurel, MD, can help.
1. Stay Hydrated
Proper hydration is crucial for ensuring adequate blood flow and a healthy circulatory system. One of the greatest benefits of water is that it acts as a natural blood thinner. As a result, consuming enough water throughout the day can help your blood flow more easily through your veins, reducing the risk of clotting.
Aim to drink at least eight, 8-ounce glasses of water each day and additional water if you lose fluid through sweat due to heat exposure or exercise.
2. Elevate Your Legs
Elevating the legs helps move blood back toward the heart, which can prevent the risk of build-up and pressure in the lower extremities. Those who spend a large amount of time standing or sitting are also more likely to have blood gather in the legs or feet, so elevation is important, along with regular exercise.
3. Eat a Vein-Healthy Diet
Avoid foods with high levels of cholesterol, saturated fats, and sodium, as these can lead to artery disease and restrict circulation. Instead, eat food that nourishes your veins and promotes healthy bodily function. Be on the lookout for:
- Fiber to increase digestion and reduce vein pressure.
- Vitamin K to nourish the walls of your veins and keep them strong.
- Vitamin C to help promote the production of collagen and elastin, proteins that ensure proper contraction and vein dilation.
4. Do Not Smoke
Smoking is more than just a health hazard for your lungs; in addition to raising your risk of multiple types of cancer, smoke also damages your circulatory system. Cigarette smoke thickens the blood, which can not only worsen existing vein issues but increase your risk of developing disorders later.
5. Always Seek Treatment When You Notice Changes to Your Veins
If your veins appear more noticeable, bulging, swollen, or discolored, you should seek medical care right away. It is important to always consult with a medical professional if you notice changes to your veins, as this can help catch potential problems before they cause serious complications.
At the Minimally Invasive Vascular Center, we specialize in all types of vascular disease and offer a wide range of treatments that can help you.
Schedule an Appointment Today
Please contact the Minimally Invasive Vascular Center in Laurel, MD, if you would like to explore treatment options or talk to a doctor about your vein health. You can send us a message or call our office at (855) 803-6482. We currently serve patients in the Laurel and Prince George’s County area.
Monday – Thursday: 9am – 5pm
Friday: 9am – 1pm
Saturday – Sunday: Closed