Home » How Endovenous Laser Therapy Treats Varicose Veins

How Endovenous Laser Therapy Treats Varicose Veins

veins Are you tired of those varicose veins? Traditional ligation and stripping methods can offer solutions, but there’s also a modern alternative that’s both minimally invasive and highly effective: Endovenous Laser Therapy (EVLT).

This newer treatment method not only enhances the cosmetic appearance of your legs—it can also improve your quality of life. Learn how EVLT works, the major benefits it offers, and what to expect during recovery.

Why Choose EVLT Over Traditional Methods?

Ligation and stripping were the go-to treatments for varicose veins for many years. However, these procedures are invasive, require general anesthesia, and entail a recovery period of up to two weeks.

The experience can also be painful as a result of the multiple incisions required. On the other hand, EVLT offers a less invasive and highly effective alternative. This outpatient procedure takes less than an hour and does not require general anesthesia, making it a convenient choice for many patients.

The EVLT Procedure

During the EVLT procedure, your doctor will mark the varicose vein and sterilize the area around it. A local anesthetic is applied, and a needle is used to insert a laser probe into the affected vein. With ultrasound imaging, the doctor positions the laser probe precisely within the vein.

The laser energy targets the vein walls, causing them to collapse and thus preventing blood from flowing through. The blood is subsequently rerouted to healthy veins, which typically results in improved circulation and relief of symptoms. After the procedure, the area is dressed, and compression bandages are applied.

What to Expect Post-EVLT

Most patients experience minor side effects like bruising and leg tightness, which generally subside within a few days. Since it’s an outpatient procedure, you can go home the same day and even resume work and other activities. Exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided immediately after the procedure.

Schedule a Consultation Today

While EVLT is considered safe, there are some potential risks, so it’s important to consult with experts to evaluate if EVLT is the right choice for you.

You can get the advice you need at Minimally Invasive Vascular Center, which serves Prince George’s County and the surrounding areas of Maryland. Schedule your personalized consultation in Laurel, MD, by calling (855) 803-6482 today. You can also fill out the form on their contact page.

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Schedule a Visit with a Vascular Specialist

At Minimally Invasive Vascular Center in Laurel MD, your care and treatment is our top priority. If you any questions or concerns and would like meet with a consultant, please call us at (855) 803-6482 or contact us with your information. We look forward to providing you with the best solutions for your vascular needs.

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9201 Cherry Lane
Laurel, MD 20708

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Monday – Thursday: 9am – 5pm
Friday: 9am – 1pm
Saturday – Sunday: Closed

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