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CoolSculpting: Are the Results Permanent?

Cellulite removal scheme on body girl. We know how it is. You might go months, or even years, happily ignoring the stubborn fat on your midsection, thighs, or other areas. But then one day, seemingly out of the blue, you’ve reached your max. You cannot stand to look at this frustrating problem any longer. You’ve made modifications to your diet. You move more or have always maintained decent exercise habits. And yet this problem area is still a problem. If you’re here, you’re at that point of exploring body contouring or fat-reduction treatments. In our Laurel, MD facility, patients can finally beat stubborn fat without needing any downtime. Here, we answer the burning question that many people have about the CoolSculpting body contouring process. Are the results of CoolScultping permanent?

All about CoolSculpting Technology

To understand why the device manufacturer makes the claims that it does, it is necessary to also see how the technology works. CoolSculpting is sometimes referred to as fat-freezing. In a sense, this is exactly what CoolSculpting does. It takes an area of pinchable fat that sits between the skin and underlying muscle and it exposes the fat cells to extreme cold. The device has been made to achieve a specific temperature in the layer of subcutaneous fat; cold enough to stimulate cell death but not so cold to pose a risk of skin damage. The precision is extraordinarily effective at eliminating the fat that just doesn’t want to let go of its place in the body. Once the target temperature has been reached and maintained for its designated period of time (less than an hour), the cells are programmed for destruction. After treatment, viewed as nonviable, these cells are gradually picked up by the body’s lymphatic system and released from the body. Some people start to see the slimming effects of the treatment after just two weeks. The entire fat-reduction process, though, takes about 12 weeks. This should be a rewarding detail because it means that the body will continue to look slimmer and more sculpted over time. After the 12-week process, patients may have up to 25% less fatty tissue in the treatment area.

How Long do CoolSculpting Results Last?

Here’s what’s different about CoolSculpting. When you diet and exercise, your weight loss and slimming happen because your fat cells shrink. CoolSculpting actually destroys the targeted fat cells. They are released from the body, so you have fewer fat cells in the area than you did before. Now, it is important to understand that the effects of CoolSculpting can be affected by your lifestyle. The reduction in the number of fat cells in the area is not a free pass to eat unhealthy foods and live a sedentary life.

The results of CoolSculpting can last indefinitely. They can last many years. There is also the potential to lose results in a matter of several months. It all depends on how you take care of your body. To maintain the results you’ve achieved through CoolSculpting, it should not be necessary to do anything more aggressive than what you were doing to try and eliminate stubborn fat through healthy food choices and an active lifestyle. You shouldn’t have to start lifting weights, but you should move your body in some way every day. Maybe that’s taking a long walk, swimming, or doing yoga. Whatever you invest your time and effort into, though, should be very supportive of your body contour management.

Summer is right around the corner, making now the ideal time to get serious about unwanted fat. To schedule your CoolSculpting consultation, contact our Laurel, MD office at (855) 803-MIVC (6482).

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Laurel, MD 20708

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